SIR - I carefully read the comments made by Helena Danielczuck (T&A, December 1) concerning Polish migrant workers.

It came as no surprise that Helena, herself the daughter of Polish migrants, should choose to promote what she felt were the positive aspects of the huge increase in Polish immigrants to the UK but this only reflects half the story.

No sensible person would dispute the well-documented atrocities suffered by Poles at the hands of Stalin and the Communists.

It is quite right that young Polish people are taught this as part of their history and culture, but the Polish experience is not shared history with the United Kingdom and has no place on the National Curriculum.

At a time when 63 per cent of English children when questioned failed to answer correctly who Winston Churchill was, not to mention the role he and Britain played in the defeat of Hitler, I hardly think that now is the time to start introducing them to Polish history.

It would be far more sensible, not to mention sensitive and respectful, if migrant workers of all nationalities took far more time and effort to learn the culture, history and traditions of the host nation instead of the constant promotion of their own national identities.

A J Clarke (English Democrats), Halifax Road, Bradford