SIR - I am grateful to Brian Holmans (T&A, December 6) for highlighting one key topic where Shipley's current MP, Philip Davies, may be in conflict with his party's favoured line.

With the clear public profile Mr Davies has adopted on Britain's EU membership, it would be the height of hypocrisy if he were ever to vote in Parliament to maintain our membership.

If we're being honest, it is unreasonable to expect any MP to agree fully with every single measure his party proposes, but only some MPs recognise their true role and have the integrity and courage to stand up and be counted, hence my original point about Gerry Sutcliffe's "I'm a yes-man" statement.

If such an EU vote was to be held and Philip Davies actively demonstrated his principle of opposing British membership, I trust Mr Holmans would be as quick to compliment that MP's integrity as I would be to applaud them both.

Graham Hoyle, Kirkbourne Grove, Baildon