SIR - Instead of complaining about the future plans for Bingley's Myrtle Walk shopping arcade, such as the colour of the stonework' we should be supporting the developers in their endeavour to give Bingley the new lease of life it so desperately needs.

We have a dirty, dingy, depressing excuse for a shopping arcade. It has smokers even though it is a no-smoking area, rubbish dropped, lots of empty units, plus youngsters skateboarding, cycling, being abusive, etc.

Come 3.15pm on a school day we have lots of pupils gathering in the arcade, a very intimidating experience.

Maybe if all the developers of the thousands of houses built in the Bingley area had been made to contribute say £50,000 each towards the regeneration of Bingley we wouldn't be in the position we are.

I challenge any of these people who oppose the new plans to stand in any of the empty units for a day and see for themselves just how bad it is.

So which is it to be, the above or a new, clean, bright, pleasant place to shop. I know which I would choose.

Jill Gill, Rombalds Drive, Gilstead, Bingley