SIR - This millennium had hardly attained its first birthday when New Labour set up yet another quango - the Electoral Commission.

The primary task of this body was to stop non-residents of the UK from donating to any political party.

After all, the Tories were raking in funds from overseas, with the opportunistic Liberals not far behind. Thus rule No 1 - every donor had to be located on the UK electoral register. This would cut others' fundraising down to Labour Party levels.

Many other rules and conditions were added, creating hurdles for those ignoring the ever-expanding electoral law.

This election policing body surged forward, many regional offices have been opened, and well over a thousand staff employed creating a rocketing budget.

However, the main task has been to patrol the opposition parties waiting to land some "big fish". After all, Labour was above reproach, they just make the laws for others to obey, how could it possibly apply to them?

Last week's endless revelations over illicit Labour donors means they have walked slap bang into the door. Hoisted by their own petard, truly poetic justice.

Are the days of the Electoral Commission numbered? Nothing shames New Labour!

Alan Chapman, Beck Lane, Bingley