SIR - I am astonished at the proposal to build a hotel on the Broadway site. We were led to believe that this site was to be a shopping complex.

Our existing hotels claim they are never full, so there is obviously no demand for any more capacity and yet these so-called experts propose further hotels to be built in Manchester Road, the Canal Basin and on the Odeon site, should our councillors consent to this wonderful building being demolished.

It has already been proved that a mediocre shopping centre, which Bradford has been allowed to degenerate into, will not attract people to the city.

So how do they propose to attract the required number of people to make all these hotels viable?

Oh yes, of course it has just occurred to me. The prisons are full, so are the police cells and there are thousands of immigrants and asylum seekers so the problem is solved, put them into the empty hotels.

R Binns, Thornbridge Mews, Bradford