SIR - Regarding the article on the Domestic Abuse Campaign (T&A, December 6). While I fully support the campaign, I feel it is very one-sided towards women. Let's not forget the men who are victims.

I accept that, statistically, women are the most common victims of physical abuse. However, you will find that abuse towards men is just as common, not necessarily physical, but psychological bullying, abusive comments and manipulation.

Many men don't actually realise they are victims until it's pointed out to them. The ones who "put up" with it suffer much mental confusion and it's often something that's accepted as normal, or if physical abuse is an issue many men are too embarrassed to do anything about it.

This has a two-fold negative impact - reducing the all-so-important police "statistics", and giving the impression the police are not concerned about male victims or, worse still, making it appear as though women are the only victims.

Come on West Yorkshire Police, change the campaign to include men because everyone can be a victim of domestic abuse.

S White, The Bank, Eccleshill, Bradford