SIR - I watched the recent "teddy row" involving Gillian Gibbons with interest and feel that I must comment.

As a Muslim, my initial reaction to this news was one of disbelief. I naturally assumed it was a wind-up and put it out of my mind.

However, as it became apparent that this was a genuine situation which had been inflicted upon an innocent, unsuspecting woman my disbelief turned to toe-curling embarrassment as I realised that, yet again, pettiness in the name of Islam had reared its ugly head.

Unfortunately, present-day Muslims have become renowned for making something out of nothing and the hostile reaction towards Ms Gibbons is no exception.

The extreme actions of the Sudanese people only served to provide fuel to a slow-burning fire, creating a media frenzy whose main purpose was to spotlight yet another ridiculous reaction by Muslims over something most Muslims would consider trivial.

Inciting hatred? I have yet to meet someone who hates teddies!

Asiya Hussain, Arncliffe Terrace, Bradford