SIR - Having read of the harrowing experience suffered by the parents of Hellen Danielozuk during Stalin's brutal ethnic cleansing regime (T&A, December 1) I find it disconcerting to say the least, that she finished the article by stating "that if Polish people coming to the UK today aren't encouraged to fight for their rights, they'll be living with the kind of oppression that my parents generation lived with".

I find it, to be quite frank, incredible that the UK, having given sanctuary to her parents a safe haven, employment and one assumes a reasonable standard of living is put on a par with Stalinistic Russia.

Would she like to explain therefore why thousands of Polish people are choosing not only to live here, but also to raise families along with literally millions of other nationalities from all over the world, making the UK one of the most populated countries in the world.

If we are a brutal, oppressive regime why are they coming in droves?

I find it concerning, as a result of her comments to discover that she is in a position to influence many other migrants in her position of chairman of Bradford Polish Federation and also mental health support charity Sharing Voices.

Why is it that individuals who should be thankful to be given the opportunity to start a new life in our country just cannot wait to attack the very fabric of it.

E Mills, Wrose Mount, Wrose