For too long the performance of Bradford's schools has attracted criticism and, in many cases, such comments have been warranted. Our youngsters are the greatest resource this city has and they deserve the best possible start in life. All too often, however, our schools have languished at the bottom of achievement tables, failing their charges.

Such failures are highlighted in these pages for no other reason than a genuine desire to call those responsible to account and bring improvements across the board. When there are such improvements, then, it is only fair that we give credit where it is due.

Figures out today show that Bradford's primary schools have taken a significant step forward. From an appalling 149th out of 150 in national performance league tables last year, the district has climbed to 136th - the joint fourth best improvement in the country. There have also been some dazzling individual performances from a number of schools, with four making it into the top five per cent .

Congratulations are due to the schools, staff, parents and, of course, pupils for all their efforts. But such achievements bring with them their own pressures. Put simply, we must continue to move in the right direction and do at least the same again next year. These improvements must now be built on and bettered. For while 136th is much better than 149th, it is still not where we want to be.

We may never reach the top of the table, for other areas have many advantages that we lack and the Bradford district has its own special problems, but there is so much further we can and must go. These figures prove it can be done.