SIR - Councillor Martin Love (T&A, November 27) accuses me of having misconstrued the nature of the campaign to make Saltaire a plastic bag-free zone.

He tells us that the arrangements will be voluntary but there is voluntary and there is voluntary.

If the Hebden Bridge model is followed, it is the retailers who will "voluntarily" agree to cease providing plastic carrier bags.

This looks to me like giving customers a single choice or "like it or lump it." In other words, they will have no option other than to comply with a voluntary decision which has been imposed upon them with or without their consent.

By denying Hebden Bridge residents the opportunity to take their goods away in carrier bags, the retails are limiting their right to choose, which in my book counts as a restriction of their human rights and is therefore probably unlawful.

Coun Love and his fellow plasticactivits may congratulate themselves on their contribution to saving the planet but I note he completely ignored my other suggestion that the whole campaign is cost free (to them) gesture politics.

Brian Holmans, Langley Road, Bingley