SIR - The Labour Party's latest funding problems give rise to multiple questions, one has hardly time to draw breath and evaluate the continuous revelations.

Harriet Harman's problem seems to be she was not the preferred candidate for the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party within the upper echelons of her own party.

Baroness Jay, perhaps one of several, it appears had insider knowledge that funds from Mr Abrahams were coming to her party's coffers via pseudo-donors. It seems she only protected the group of socialists assisting Hillary Benn.

None of the other candidates appear to have received this confidential tip off? Harriet left out in the cold to fend for herself, an unkind gesture among Labour's ladies.

The latest exposé, former Labour MP for Shipley, plays a leading role in the new PM's campaign team. He too is within the insiders club and disposes of a "dodgy" cheque, understandably defending the PM's reputation.

Poor Harriet, short of funds turns to the PM's campaign team for advice. Chris Leslie happily provides the poison chalice offering a "genuine" connection to a previously rejected source of wealth. With friends like these who needs enemies?

Alan Chapman, Beck Lane, Bingley