SIR - The recent refusal to fund the rebuilding of Wyke Manor School is an example of rule by unelected idiots.

In this case Bradford Council is outraged, but not so long ago this same council obliged Leeds to construct a railing along the edge of the Wharfe in Otley and they were only too happy to do so, even though it was against the wishes of the people.

This insidious interference in decision making is a far greater threat to democracy than any proposed counter-terror legislation.

We tried to cross the stepping stones at Bolton Abbey earlier this year but were forced to retreat because a stone was missing. Without that obstacle the crossing would have been safe and easy. Surely we are capable of judging whether or not the water is too high to cross. We do not need to fence off every cliff edge and seal off every cave.

Please return us to sanity.

Peter Bolton, Middlefield Court, East Morton