SIR - Pipa Doubtfire (T&A, November 27) seems proud of the fact that she and the BBC have contributed to the proposed closure of our local post office at Farnhill.

In all my years of paying my TV licence I've never felt the need to pay at a supermarket, a petrol station, on a Sunday or any other day for that matter.

I've no doubt it will be better for some but at what cost to others.

Imagine yourself, maybe 80 plus, in a village with no bus service, no supermarket, no petrol stations, no car, with a part time post office - ie Farnhill - cut off by a very busy four lane trunk road, the post office about to be closed.

I'm afraid Pipa's letter about the benefits is no help at all.

Percy Sunderland, Grange Road, Kildwick