SIR - The amazing failings at Leeds Magistrates' Court shows the importance of the role of the press as the Fourth Estate.

It is hard to imagine the matters currently causing concern happening when newspapers were able to have reporters in court regularly.

One former editor of the Telegraph & Argus insisted that the result at least of every case at Bradford Magistrates' Court was reported.

That is no longer possible for economic reasons, but it is sad that today so few cases are attended by skilled reporters.

Only newspapers can fulfil today the laudable function of the Fourth Estate, that of a safety valve financed by people who buy newspapers and not by the public purse.

It is a service for the community which is not provided by the electronic media.

To be effective, justice must be seen to be done. That is achieved only by having newspaper reporters in courts.

Derek R Crabtree, Norman Lane, Bradford

  • EDITOR'S COMMENT: The T&A does cover all the major cases in all the major courts - including both Bradford and Bingley Magistrates', Bradford Crown Court and County Court and Bradford cases which go to Leeds Crown Court, as well as most local Coroner's Courts - and we publish very detailed lists of the results of cases from magistrates' courts throughout the week. There are now so many courts operating that it would be virtually impossible to cover all of them all of the time.