SIR - Bradford's future sounds promising, what with all this talk of regeneration and investment, but listen closely and you'll realise that nobody's clapping.

Why? Because the curtain has been prematurely drawn on a theatre confined to the Council dustbin - Twisting Yarn, the Alhambra's touring and young people's theatre company.

For a relatively small investment, this company brings in external financial investment to the city, contributes to the national profile of Bradford and, most importantly, positively affects young people's lives.

I saw the youth theatre production about the holocaust last week and it was brilliant. All this good work will disappear unless the Council listens to the ordinary young people, educationalists and artists of Bradford and reverses its short-sighted decision.

Sheffield and Leeds spend a fortune on equivalent work - good old bargain basement Bradford wants to cut it.

Come on Councillors, this is a democracy. There have been hundreds of e-mails and thousands of signatures. Admit you were wrong, think again and get the show back on the road.

Conor Alexander, Scholes Street, Bankfoot, Bradford