SIR - I wonder how many readers know that Leeds and Huddersfield are to have a Boxing Day bus service funded by Metro.

I always thought Metro included Bradford in its services, but apparently not on this occasion.

I know it is a trial, but find it difficult to understand why Bradford should be left out.

There always used to be a bus on Boxing Day, from 9am to 6pm, but this was stopped because it did not pay its way, they stated.

It seems Bradford has been left out again!

A service of any kind would be a success in Bradford on Boxing Day and the shops would also benefit.

At one time there was also a service on New Year's Day but not any more. There seems to be an effort to get people to use the bus, but when people like to use the bus (when they are on holiday - Boxing Day/New Year's Day) there is no service.

No doubt the new increase in fares due in January will be way above inflation and rounded off upwards.

This will not help get people off the road and onto public transport. First Bus Plc make large profits which will become even bigger as some people have no other means of transport.

Allen M Dean, Beech Road, Odsal