SIR - A suggestion: would not Sir Richard Branson be a good person to approach regarding Bradford's stalled regeneration?

Given the squalid standing of politicians nowadays his "iconic" status in the cut-throat business world is impressive.

Of course, being a rail operator he might point out that the lack of a proper through-linked city station might just stop his trains running in a profitable way though Bradford.

I visit Sheffield regularly, which currently is a "wow!" place to be. I can't help but notice - as I'm cycling - that Sheffield too has hills all around, like Bradford, but has still managed to create a rather nice "through" city station in the middle.

And also the city has some nice modern water features too - but no mirror pools.

I don't want to rain on anyone's parade but how often will such a pool in Bradford be ruffled by breezes and look "odd" quite apart from the leaves & litter that will blow in?

Get the station right and the rest will follow!

Martin Spicer, Bath Place, Boothtown, Halifax