SIR - I must object to the insinuation in the articles on domestic violence (T&A, November 22 and 29) that this is purely a male over female problem.

Whilst I appreciate that violence is unacceptable I cannot accept this is a one-way affair. I believe there are many men who have suffered physical abuse (as I have) but feel they cannot report it as they will be deemed to be cowards.

Yet all the public purse seems to spend our money on is on the assumption this is a one-way attack, rather like racial abuse is presumed to be.

Be it the courts, police, benefits systems, et al, one thing is for sure, if you are a man you are a second class citizen.

Many men suffer mental torture from women and many relationship break-ups are instigated by women.

Do advertise these services but please be aware there are many desperate men out there without any support at all. How do I know this? Because for every female suicide there, are four male ones - simple as that!

Councillor Roger Taylor, Glen terrace, Halifax