SIR - So Bradford Council is wanting 250,000 of the inhabitants of the district to pledge £1 per month for one year to help to fund the latest project from our beloved Council!

I would image that the reaction of the majority of the Bradford rate payers to be one of shock, in that the Council has a track record second to none in terms of the countless number of so-called projects, schemes and planned changes that have never seen the light of day.

Why on earth, except for the supreme optimist, should we trust them now to take donations from local people and actually deliver, especially with the ongoing non-existent progress of the so-called regeneration of the city centre, with not a brick being laid four years on?

I would also like to ask Trevor Lewis of BCR to explain, in his role of deputy chairman, what has his organisation achieved for the city in the many years it has been in being?

E Mills, Wrose Mount, Wrose