SIR - Although, after a long and hard-fought campaign, bloodsports have been rightly criminalised, it appears some former tally ho(oligans) still think they are above the law and don't like to be observed in their nasty pursuits.

It was noted with interest that Otis Ferry (a former hunt master or some such title) was arrested for assaulting two lady members of the League Against Cruel Sports for filming the Heythrop Hunt in Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire.

Such carefully-collected evidence has led to the successful prosecution of types like Ferry and will continue to do so.

Should your animal-loving readers wish to help with the costs involved, it would be much appreciated. The address is: LACS, Sparling House, 83-87 Union Street, London SE1 1SG.

Sid Brown, Glenhurst Road, Shipley