SIR - The public, it seems, is being urged "to do its bit" by making contributions towards the Park at the Heart (T&A, November 23).

Does it worry anyone else that the main backers of the initiative are the Council, Yorkshire Forward and Bradford Centre Regeneration?

These organisations have been leading Bradford's regeneration for the last four years and when I look at the depressing city centre I am not filled with any confidence.

Until these organisations open themselves up to a far greater level of public accountability then I'm afraid they are not getting a penny off me.

I know having a go at politicians is a national past-time but at least every four years I have to stand on my record and ask people for their continued support.

Why do we not have the opportunity to give our verdict on the performance of BCR and appoint new BCR Board members if we are dissatisfied with their performance?

It may be a private company, but it is responsible for spending millions of pounds of public money.

Coun David Ward (Lib-Dem, Idle & Thackley), Clara Road, Bradford