SIR - It seems our numerically-challenged Council's estimate to maintain a Needle Fountain' was initially £18,000 per annum.

Now, miraculously, it suddenly transpires it will only' cost £8,000 per annum.

A few questions arise: What was included in the initial estimate, but then deliberately removed from the latter figure?

Which of those proven financial nincompoops at Bradford Council produced/approved either or both of these wet-finger-in-the-wind' prices?

Even disregarding its capital cost, what measurable benefit will be delivered to Bradford from spending at least £155 every week, forever, on a piece of incontinent stone?

What confidence can we ever have in any forecasts of, or decisions on, expenditure from this bunch of fiscal amateurs?

What will their reaction be when, after they send me their initial estimate' for my council tax next year, I resolve only to pay 45 per cent of it, as they have now formally established this pattern of convenient over-estimating ?

I think we all know the answer to the last question, but will anyone from BMDC dare to answer the others in public?

Graham Hoyle, Kirkbourne Grove, Baildon