SIR - Global warming is obviously with us - there's no doubt about that.

Many scientific reports say that this occurs often in our world's history. I certainly cannot (nor would not) question that.

The only thing that is now different is that the human race was not around the last time this occurred and therefore did not suffer the deadly consequences.

Be it our fault (and we have accelerated it), anybody else's, for those of you who read this and say "not me, I recycle everything/don't waste water/compost whatever I can", just bear in mind that you/me/him/her/them can make a difference as to how we deal with it.

Not for our/children's/grandchildren's etc, but for everybody's futures.

We, as a whole, have achieved some remarkable things over the last 2,000+ years, but possibly, within two, three or four lifetimes, these could be wiped out by what we cannot be bothered to address.

We have to look at how we live our daily lives and to make sure that our children's children's lives won't be blighted by what we are doing today.

Rita Robertshaw, Dalecroft Rise, Bradford