SIR - Joint committees of the Commons and Lords are distinguished political animals, and one of them has just published a critical review of the government's Draft Climate Change Bill.

The committee members recommend that the Government should reduce British CO2 emissions by at least 60 per cent by 2050 (rather than 50 per cent) and include our growing aviation emissions for the first time.

The committee also stresses the role local councils can play in cutting our carbon footprint in their capacity as major community leaders.

There is much Bradford Council can do immediately to ease our impact on the climate.

The council should adopt and fund a Travel Plan for its thousands of employees; quickly boost the district's recycling to European levels; and invest in energy efficiency and renewable energy generation throughout the Council's 600-plus buildings.

Our car-oriented transport network, a major source of carbon emissions, should prioritise low carbon ways of getting around.

The Lord Mayor of Bradford should set an example by trading in his high carbon BMW for a low carbon Toyota Prius, as the Lord Mayor of Oxford has already done.

All good green ideas. Where the Council leads, others will follow.

Coun Kevin Warnes (Green, Shipley) Moorhead Terrace, Shipley