SIR - The report about David Cameron's second visit to the Lighthouse Project (T&A, August 1) was very encouraging.

At last the Tory Party, through their Leader, is displaying some much required good old fashioned sense when he calls for much more discipline in schools.

Whilst the report highlighted the work of special schools, David Cameron sensibly pledged to "scrap council education appeals panels, which both overrule and undermine the authority of headmasters".

Furthermore, he indicated the next Conservative Government would reverse the socialist trend, born of left wing academics who devastated the former education regimes during the late 1960s, and which had previously transpired to successfully provide the best education system in the world.

Thankfully, he stated that: "Schools should be places where the kids respect and even fear the teachers, not the other way round."

It has taken 40 years to get a promise of a change of direction, which eventually will reduce the yob culture that pervades our population centres.

Only a Conservative controlled Westminster can eradicate the soft, politically correct rules which have contributed alarmingly to the lawlessness of our town centres which are dominated by out of control thugs.

The evolving slogan; discipline, discipline and discipline!

Alan Chapman, Beck Lane, Bingley