SIR - Douglas Hartley's common sense chimed with the views of many Bradfordians and effectively pulled the plug on Lake Ludicrous.

My repeated warnings regarding the irreversible pollution of Bradford Beck have at last been heeded. The Beck will not now figure in any water features but will remain isolated from any human contact.

Water will have to be pumped from boreholes and Yorkshire Water will require paying for it.

The Wetlands were rejected, not because Bradfordians did not want them, but because the land was needed for private, for-profit development What should we believe regarding the City Park? Maud's stunning prediction supported by an unaudited number of people, or Douglas's proven common sense?

Bradfordians want regeneration and the tranquillity of a city centre park, but a park, not the figment of an expensive, career-enhancing, ego trip for alien consultants.

We have a parks department and the capability of designing something more akin to the sound and reliable character of Bradford, so why not use it?

Maud Marshall will disagree, but instead of just words she has a responsibility to respond with facts, detailing what monies BCR have received during their four and a half years of existence and what they have initiated and achieved.

John Pashley, Westcliffe Avenue, Baildon