SIR - I live in Idle and our garden backs on to Idle recreation ground, which I use at least twice a day walking my dog.

I am sick of picking up mangled tin cans left by the grass cutters.

They seem to cut the grass till the cows come home, but never leave the cutter to either pick up cans or bottles. Hence the mangled tins.

This is very dangerous to children and dogs.

This is the first week of school holidays and it has been used by lots of children of all ages, which is lovely to see, but if a young one runs after a ball and trips, they could be maimed for life.

As we know, instinct tells us to put our hands down when falling. These tins could cut arteries in the wrists, or cause gashes on knees or legs.

It is time the council re-trained the grass cutters to do a better job.

I Hocks, Wesley Grove, Idle