SIR - Ann Cryer's decision to join forces with Yorkshire CND in opposing the inclusion of Menwith Hill in the US National Defence scheme (T&A, July 31) is further evidence the Keighley MP now lives in yesterday's world.

While conceding a missile monitoring system is necessary, Mrs Cryer adds she has: "never liked the idea of having a foreign base, such as Menwith Hill, here."

The global threats to our national security have never been greater, yet the only leadership she can offer is to put her head in the sand.

Like so many others, I have serious difficulties with a number of the current US administration's policies, particularly in relation to Iraq.

But we must be realistic enough to acknowledge the special relationship brings benefits to both the US and the UK.

Our direct involvement in the US Missile Defence scheme clearly strengthens our national security and should be warmly welcomed.

As such, I do not believe there is any place for Ann Cryer's brand of nimbyism.

Yorkshire should be proud to play its part in this project and be seen to be leading from the front on behalf of our country.

Coun Kris Hopkins, Leader of Bradford Council (Con, Worth Valley) City Hall, Bradford