SIR - In response to Paul Collins' letter regarding Duckett Lane (T&A, August 1) and how he thought the area could be turned into "a living museum," what an absolutely fantastic suggestion.

A cobbled street, complete with flaky advertisement, soaked in history - you could almost smell the character of yesteryear in the photograph you published.

To get the street to be functional once again and back to its former glory would be tremendous.

In this ever changing world/city of ours (changing for the worse I might add) such a refreshing and worthwhile idea should not be ignored.

A familiar pattern is occurring within this country/city, a pattern that seems to embrace other cultures and beliefs with a passion, yet encourages the abandonment of our own.

So well done to Paul Collins for such a fabulous idea. I for one, along with many, many other people, would support any movement towards this becoming reality but, alas, I share your pessimism.

Once it's gone, it's gone.

Brian Keough, Cutler Heights Lane, Dudley Hill