SIR - I find myself in a very unusual position, in that I agree with a Council decision!

The Council has somehow stumbled upon a correct decision, with regard to a Bradford sex shop being allowed to have a provocative window display' (T&A, July 27).

Let us be clear what the provocative window display is, it is lingerie on mannequins. To me that is perfectly acceptable, if that is the display we are talking about.

The Lib-Dem and Labour councillors are claiming the objections are to protect children in the community, but it seems to me that the objections are based on the resident's religious beliefs.

If this application were overturned would we be seeing the residents also objecting to billboard adverts of semi-naked women?

We have always had a liberal society and we don't want to get to a situation where religious groups are dictating to us.

Jason Smith, UKIP Bradford & District Chairman, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury