The images the Telegraph & Argus has been running over recent days of criminality on the streets of Bradford city centre are, of course, shocking.

The pictures we have published were taken by residents and showed yobs fighting, exhibiting drunken behaviour and even allegedly taking and dealing in drugs right in the open.

But we make no apologies for printing the images and showing the level of anti-social behaviour that some residents of the city centre have to live with.

This newspaper is as supportive of regeneration in Bradford as any other organisation or individual, but we also have a duty to our readers to tell the truth.

That said, it is heartening to see that further efforts are being taken by the authorities to clamp down on such behaviour.

The moves being taken to reduce the incidents that have made some city centre apartment dwellers' lives a misery are concrete, constructive and welcome.

With any drive to populate city centres as places to live there are always going to be teething troubles when residents and revellers are forced to rub along together.

But the more people who choose to live in the city centre, the greater the sense of community that will be built up, and those who choose to participate in yobbish behaviour will begin to realise that their presence is not welcome.

The efforts to improve conditions in the city centre are to be applauded and it is to be hoped that as the regeneration of the city centre continues it will become a thriving and vibrant place to live, work and have responsible fun in.