SIR - Put your hands over your ears and you will not be able to listen to the radio nor hear what is being said on TV.

Now take a look at the picture of Margaret Senior helping to transform the lives of young deaf children at the Elizabeth Foundation (T&A, July 30).

The Smith Street unit works with hearing-impaired children from birth to school age to allow them to speak and listen without reverting to sign language.

However due to lack of funding the Foundation has had to lay off three staff yet Education Bradford has rejected a £6,000 grant application on the grounds that the Elizabeth Foundation is an independent provider and "they would not enter into an arrangement to provide them with radio aids".

So children like Husnaa Bibi, in the same picture, might be deprived of a better life simply because Education Bradford refuses to give the Foundation a one-off grant worth a paltry £115 per week. It beggars belief.

David Rhodes, Croscombe Walk, Bradford