SIR - Had Councillor King read my letter more carefully, he would have realised that I had suggested his attendance at our scheduled public meeting, not insisted on it (T&A, July 27).

However, in my view of his responses regarding Low Moor station, which inform little and merely justify inaction and a lack of progress, his attendance would offer little to the meeting!

It may prove necessary for there to be a complete change of personnel at Metro before any tangible progress is to be made!

Regarding the proposals to enhance services on the East Coast main line via higher fares, this will prove counterproductive as the existing fares are excessive.

BRUG favours lower walk-on fares as a means of encouraging greater passenger numbers.

While the proposed improvements are important, improvements in the local network will have greater relevance in order to reduce road congestion in Bradford.

This would involve re-opening Low Moor and introducing a light rail system for the city.

Alec Suchi, Bradford Rail Users' Group, Allerton Road, Allerton