SIR - Not long ago a water shortage, now widespread flooding with the only hope of future salvation according to Environment Secretary Hilary Benn MP - higher and higher water charges!

Anyone being a householder prior to 1974 will remember water and drainage being the responsibility of local councils with the cost just a few shillings on the rates bill?

Then came Yorkshire Water Authority followed by "privatisation" and things have never been the same since, as today water can cost as much as gas and electric combined.

Water companies seem to invest money in anything but water and drainage etc, to satisfy greedy executives and shareholders, often foreign who are hungry for dividends with no interest in their customers.

Unlike gas or electric, we have no national water distribution system which leaves some areas in surplus while others are without.

It has been said we can't afford to build this pipeline, but now can we afford not to?

At a time when not enough is being invested in either water supply, drainage or flood defences, water companies are posting record profits!

Maybe the Government should look into this, and impose a windfall' tax like they did with the oil and banking industries.

D S Boyes, Rodley Lane, Bramley