SIR - Housing Minister Yvette Cooper proposed the three million homes Gordon Brown has pledged to build should be a mixture of private, social and council houses.

She wants homes where passers-by "can't tell what kind of housing it is".

What a slap in the face for decent hard-working people who might buy a flat, only to find that living next door is a family on benefits who have never worked a day in their lives.

This is how Labour would have our cities, where working hard and trying to better yourself brings no benefit.

I couldn't disagree more with the Minister. If more council houses have to be built, they should be high-rise flats in town centre areas, not plush semi-detached properties with huge gardens in the leafy suburbs.

The Government should be encouraging people to better themselves and to take up work, not rewarding them for not working by giving them a magnificent property in an upper-class area.

This is I'm afraid another feeble attempt by Labour to woo back the council estate' vote.

Jason Smith, UKIP Bradford & District Chairman, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury