SIR - Your excellent feature on our local buildings at risk was very interesting (T&A, July 28).

There is, of course, one glaring omission, either because it is, sadly, not already a listed building, or because you have deemed it to be not worth saving.

Yet, within the context of your editorial "Don't let our gems crumble" (T&A, July 24), the former Odeon cinema is itself an "historic and important architectural gem", which some thousands of us "with a genuine concern for our heritage" are "campaigning to save".

How about a different headline; one you haven't used yet?

How about "Save the Odeon"?

Kenneth A Webster, Abb Scott Lane, Bradford.

  • EDITOR'S NOTE: Our feature was about listed buildings, especially those with Grade I and Grade II* status. The former Odeon has been rejected for Listing four times by English Heritage.