SIR - The CND has every right to protest against the US spy base' at Menwith Hill (T&A, July 31), providing they keep within the law and do not complain when punished if they transgress the law.

Do these people forget that when the Americans wished to set up anti-missile bases to protect Europe, including Russia, from attacks by hostile nations such as Iran, Putin just said he would train his missiles on us?

The same Putin, who will not allow us to try one of his subjects, accused of murder on British soil.

Des Browne says quite clearly this is for our defence.

I am sure if it had been Russia and not America who was helping to protect us the CND protesters would have welcomed it.

As regards Ann Cryer's comments, I wonder if, after debate in Parliament, she would consider supporting the Government's decision.

There are many things done that are never properly debated. Look at the new EU Constitution, sorry Treaty, that will, apparently, only be available in French, for MPs to debate.

Why don't Ann Cryer, Helen John and Sarah Cartin protest about this violation of our sovereignty and demand the promised referendum?

Philip Bird, Nab Wood, Terrace, Shipley