SIR - Peter Wilson has challenged me to comment on UKIP's recent by-election results (T&A, July 26).

Sedgefield and Ealing South were never going to be easy for UKIP in Labour strongholds.

We did have good candidates; in Sedgefield for instance our man was Toby Horton, a former constituency chairman for William Hague in Richmond.

In contrast, in the Bromley by-election in June 2006 we came third out of eleven candidates beating New Labour in to fourth place. Not too bad for a small young party I reckon.

I have to say, we have never said, as Mr Wilson claims, that the EU is "a continent-wide conspiracy whose sole purpose is the destruction of the UK".

It is not only about the UK, all other European countries are in the same boat' in so much as they are worried about the destruction of their democracy and traditions as the EU forges ahead with it's policies of European HARMonisation.

I would suggest it is Mr Wilson who is deluded if he believes the EU is a benevolent force.

Jason Smith, UKIP Bradford & District Chairman, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury