SIR - The Pakistan Asian Christian Welfare Association Bradford has called for a day of prayer for persecuted Christians in Pakistan.

There are thousands of churches who will be praying in the UK and worldwide on August 5 in their Sunday morning service.

We will have a special service in St Paul's, Manningham, at 4pm on the same day.

Some 500 churches have received our prayer appeal which is supported by Christian leaders from all different denominations.

It will be time for the churches to express their solidarity with the persecuted Christians in Pakistan.

August 6 has been dedicated as a Hiroshima day.

In many churches they will be celebrating the "Feast of the Transfiguration", also it will be a time to pray for the persecuted Christians, people of other faiths, national and worldwide peace.

We are also praying for the people of Pakistan who will be celebrating their Independence Day' on August 14. May the God Almighty protect and bless them with peace, unity and discipline for many generations to come.

Jim G Dutt, Pakistan Asian Christian Welfare Association Bradford, Armidale Way