SIR - It just may not be ignorance or illiteracy which leads people to ignore a pointless and unreasonable "rule" (T&A, July 24).

It may make sense not to smoke inside a hospital, but to ban smoking in the open air outside is entirely unnecessary.

Whatever will these over-zealous jobsworths ban next?

I agree that I could save money by not smoking. I could also give up drinking wine and have no more holidays. However, I did not work hard all my life to forego my few remaining pleasures, or to condemn others who still get some enjoyment from life.

To the annoyance from God-botherers reported by P Wilson (T&A, July 24) I would add the activities of anti-smoking zealots, doom and gloom prophets, and much "political correctness".

Land of the free? Don't make me laugh!

L Hobsbaum, Willow Crescent, Bradford