SIR - I have lived in and around Bradford for my half century and I have lately followed with interest the letters in the T&A regarding the regeneration of Bradford City Centre.

It was not until the I Say' column by David Barnett (T&A, July 31) that the words to describe Bradfordians were made clear to me.

Every suggestion put forward by Bradford City Regeneration team has been greeted with: too expensive, not for Bradford, why, who is going to pay, the Council need changing, whose daft idea, a lake will get filthy and so on.

In the aforementioned column were the words: "the thunderous sound of humourless grunting settling on the land like an almighty belch".

Every other big city I visit, and it is a lot, has new buildings alongside old, shopping arcades, green patches and yes, believe it or not, water features.

For goodness sakeBradford get a grip. Just for once embrace change, look for the good in things, try smiling, look forward to the future and encourage those trying to make a difference.

Stephen Sharp, Brown Springs Lane, Oakworth