SIR - Once again Bradford and in particular our Asian citizens are coming under fire from the sensation seeking media, this time as a terrorist hotbed.' This in spite of the fact that four of the five recently convicted at the recent trial came from other parts of the country.

Like Leeds, Sheffield, Birmingham, London and many other cities we may have a few hotheads, some who may be actually dangerous, but by and large this city is no better or worse than any other in this respect.

On the positive side, therefore, I would like to highlight two fine Yorkshiremen, Adil Rashid and Ajmal Shahzad.

Bradfordian Adil Rashid has already proved himself a very fine Yorkshire cricketer, and once Ajmal (Huddersfield born and Bradford bred) has had more opportunities with the first team I am sure he will be up there with the best as well.

Congratulations to both of them, they are a real credit to their country, not only as cricketers, but also as role models for all Yorkshiremen.

Gordon Dean, Long Lane, Harden