SIR - I was quite shocked to read Councillor Cooke's attack on doctors (T&A, July 26).

The almost impossible task of receiving a doctors' appointment and having surgeries open when working people can visit them are very real problems.

In fact, our manifesto suggested surgeries should open in the evenings and weekends to accommodate working people.

I do not agree though that the blame should be levelled at doctors, who in most instances I have found to be very competent and attentive, while often working long hours.

The telephone or sit and wait' lottery of receiving an appointment is primarily because surgeries are over subscribed. Let's be honest, all those immigrant workers we allegedly need still need doctors. This is the real reason, but of course you can't say that as a New Tory can you?

I suggest Mr Cooke stops blaming doctors, and instead uses his influence as a councillor to make a difference.

Jason Smith, UKIP Bradford & District Chairman, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury