SIR - Stephen Talboy (T&A, July 27) says the estimated cost of the first phase of the city centre park will be £29.8m, of which he hopes the Big Lottery will pay £24.5m.

This is only part of the story. Phase two, euphemistically referred to as a "Business Park ", consisting of cuboid office blocks interspersed with a few trees, will require approval for the demolition of the magistrates court, the former police headquarters and the building of a replacement magistrates court.

These demolition and rebuilding costs will be at least £20m, the difference between estimated cost and possible grant for phase one will be £5.3m and like all public service estimates, there will be a cost hike of at least £5m.

So who is going to pay the very conservative additional £30+ million?

Before the Council approves the demolition will they confirm the requisite finance and timescale is in place so City Hall is not flanked by yet another long-term demolition site?

Perhaps we should retain the existing Magistrates Court and move Bradford College into the Police Headquarters, for with a little refurbishment it will not be all that different from the £60m "bog standard" New Victoria Place.

Some of us have a foot in reality.

John Pashley, Westcliffe Avenue, Baildon