SIR - The other day I was viewing Bradford's West End through the satellite imagery of the Google Earth internet website.

In my bird's-eye view flight path, I began my journey above the Central Library and "flew" towards the National Media Museum, then towards Bradford University where I did an about-turn, and "flew" back past Bradford College and stopped between the Alhambra Theatre and the Odeon.

It was here I realised, what most Bradfordians have known all along. The fact that the zone I had just navigated over was the city's domain for literature, the arts and learning.

This being the case, wouldn't it be great, I thought, if the Odeon building was renovated to the same glory as that of its neighbour, the Alhambra, and became an art gallery or even a museum for world music perhaps?

Such an institute would not only blend in perfectly with its surroundings, but also prove to be quite popular!

Dilip M Dhokia, Oulton Terrace, Bradford