SIR - Peter Wilson (T&A, July 26) obviously has not read Vernon Coleman's England our England.

This will explain to him why my UKIP colleague and chairman and I are under no illusions as to the threat posed by our continuing membership of the EU.

It should not have escaped his attention that the Constitution, sorry Treaty, has purposely been put to our Government in French.

I am sure many, if not most, of us will not be fluent enough to do our own translation before debating it. I consider myself quite fluent but I am sure I should have the same difficulty with the language as I did when my former boss gave me the French version of the Multifibre Agreement' for the textile industry and asked me for a translation.

I would also direct another of your Europhile readers, Stuart Baker, to read the book I have mentioned.

Philip Bird, Nab Wood Terrace, Shipley