SIR - I have just read your article Care homes must clean up' (T&A, July 30).

Who does Greg Mullholland think he is? He hasn't got a clue what he's talking about.

I have worked as a care assistant for the last ten years, and I can tell you this much, it is not care homes that spread MRSA and C difficile.

He should have a good look at the hospitals, that's where all these superbugs are coming from.

Over the years the number of residents I have known who have gone into hospital for one reason or another and returned with a superbug - well it's too many.

The hospitals should go back to the old methods of cleaning, matrons, in-house cleaners and none of this contract cleaners.

We had none of these problems years ago and now our hospitals aren't even safe to go into for day care, for fear of coming out with an infection.

So stop blaming care homes. I know some homes need to improve, but there are a lot of excellent, clean and caring homes out there.

Stop tarring us all with the same brush.

Miss C Brook, Falcon Street, Great Horton