It can't be denied that, so far, the revival of Rawson Place has been a disappointment.

Hopes were high that once the Rawson Quarter was built on the site of the former market, the adjacent street of empty shops would start to attract tenants.

However, although Wilkinson's and B&M were quick to occupy the bulk of the space in the attractive new building and there has been a trickle of businesses into some of the smaller new-build premises, the hoped-for upsurge in the fortunes of this potentially attractive street at the top end of town has so far failed to materialise.

Now, though, there are signs that the situation is about to change. It is encouraging that work seems set to start on three projects and a planning application has been submitted for another.

It is good news that the Council and Toplee Property Development have been able to settle their differences over a £1.2 million plan to convert premises in Rawson Place which have stood empty for a decade into eight upstairs apartments and two ground-floor retail units.

And it is a relief to learn that the former Rawson Hotel, a fine old building which deserves a better fate than to be allowed to decay, is already being restored externally and is set to be converted into more apartments and shops by Picadilly Property.

Add to that Outsidein Developments' project to create 16 apartments on the upper floors of the building at the junction of Rawson Place and Godwin Street and the future of this part of town seems brighter than it has done for a long time.