SIR - From our cool northern vantage point climate change' sounds more alarming than global warming'.

Yet warm and wet 2007 is more likely to become typical than hot and dry 2003.

The trend towards higher average temperatures and more flooding is fact.

What should be undeniable by now is our responsibility for it, because 95 per cent of the world's scientists say so.

Like little children pretending they had nothing to do with the crime, too many people are shrugging their shoulders.

How many more people will have to suffer before the public finally elects a government with the will to break the bad habits of the late 20th century?

Those who have suffered repeated flooding should be permanently re-housed and fully compensated. Further house building on flood plains should be stopped.

Beyond this we know we need more radical restraints.

Concreting over gardens, a major cause of flooding along with the multi-car ownership that prompts so many to sacrifice natural drainage and oxygen for cement, should be banned.

Air travel must be rationed, house size limited and the growing practice of allowing larger gardens and allotments to be re-allocated to housing ended.

Quentin Deakin, Shipley Green Party Convener, Newark Road, Crossflatts