Wrong culprits SIR - It reflects badly on modern society that the CSA can name and shame a guy who gets behind with his payments, albeit having paid substantially, when those that pay absolutely nothing can keep well hidden from the public's gaze.

But, there again, it is always the easy targets that exercise the minds of public bodies.

I know it is not politically correct to acknowledge this, but the woman's role in baby making is rarely challenged.

There are many girls and women who conceive after flimsy, drunken, or other alliances with the opposite sex, then refuse to name them when tiny feet appear.

After refusing to co-operate in society's quest to trace the father, to have him pay his dues, they have no compunction in holding their hands out for the benefits that will come their way in years to come.

This must cost those that actually pay tax billions of pounds collectively. Perhaps these women need naming and shaming, dare I say?

Gerald Knowles, Bradford Road, Idle